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Best Pillows of 2024

We examined quality and value to find the best pillows among vetted candidates.
Adjustable Pillow
Overall Grade
318 Votes
Build Quality
Adjustable loft to allow complete customization. Filling material is firm enough to support the head while soft enough to feel comfortable. Several customers mentioned the outstanding quality.
A direct-to-consumer company that only sells online. Some customers mentioned zipper issues, but the zippers appear to be updated and improved in the latest version.
Bottom Line
We agree with customers who consider this pillow a fantastic buy. With high-quality materials and an attractive design, the Saybrook is worth the investment. We got the best sleep on this pillow.
Coop Home Goods
Eden Pillow
Overall Grade
177 Votes
Build Quality
Adjustable with very soft filling that uses a high proportion of polyfiber. Has an extra bag of filling.
Similar in softness to the Wondersleep, but much more expensive. Has more fill, but some customers report that their pillow goes flat.
Bottom Line
Those who want a softer alternative to the Saybrook will appreciate the Coop Eden fill, which has less support but more softness.
Original Pillow
Overall Grade
106 Votes
Build Quality
Adjustable and sports a nice bamboo cover with Koolflow technology. Has an extra bag of filling.
Some have mentioned the pillow may be too firm. Multi-colored pieces of foam have given some reviewers the impression that the filling is scrap material.
Bottom Line
Similar to the Saybrook and Coop pillows in adjustability and use of memory foam and polyfiber, but the materials appear lower quality.
Xtreme Comforts
Shredded Memory Foam Pillow
Overall Grade
71 Votes
Build Quality
Another adjustable pillow that uses the Koolflow bamboo cover.
Does not appear to contain any polyfiber to balance out the memory foam pieces.
Bottom Line
Similar to the other adjustable pillows, but it appears to only use shredded memory foam.
Adjustable Pillow
Overall Grade
35 Votes
Build Quality
Uses more polyfiber than memory foam to create an incredibly soft pillow. Adjustable with dual-layered cover.
Some customers have found the pillows to be too soft and too thin.
Bottom Line
Great value with a two-pillow package, though you might need both pillows to get the same loft as one of the other pillows.

What to Consider When Choosing the Best Pillow

Buying a pillow can be difficult because there are so many different factors to consider. Here we break down the most important factors we found through hours of research and product analysis.


While pillows have long come with pre-determined levels of fill, some pillows are now adjustable, allowing consumers to change the loft of the pillow by removing or adding fill material or layers of padding. We consider this a must-have feature for all future pillow buys, which is why our top recommendations are adjustable.

Adjustability is important because everyone has different needs. Consumers have unique body types and sleep positions, and it doesn't make sense to buy one-size pillows when clothing comes in a variety of sizes. Adjustable pillows are the tailored fit of pillows, providing bespoke levels of comfort based on each individual consumer's preferences. Without having a custom fit, pillows can be too flat or too tall, and this can cause trouble sleeping or even physical pain.

Adjustable pillows can use different layers or loose fill material to achieve their goal. The pillows with loose fill material, such as shredded memory foam or polyfiber pillows, work best because of the ability to micro-adjust. Pillows with different layers may also have layers that slide around during the middle of the night, resulting in unwanted movement and a pillow that is no longer correctly adjusted.


Pillows have been made with all sorts of materials throughout history, starting with wood and stone. Eventually, people started using softer materials, and soft pillows became a status symbol for those who could afford them. Down and hay were both popular, with down being the gold standard for its softness. Now, modern materials have largely taken over, and we see a range of materials including memory foam, polyfiber (often referred to as down alternative), down and feathers, latex, buckwheat husks and kapock fur.

The downside to down and down alternative pillows is that they can go flat and require frequent fluffing. Many consumers report not having enough support in their pillow. On the other hand, memory foam pillows can sometimes be too firm. To get the perfect combination of softness and structure, many pillow companies now mix memory foam and polyester. We found these pillows to provide the most comfortable support relative to other materials, and our top recommendations are made of shredded memory foam combined with polyester fiber.

Today, memory foam has become the standard for pillow support while down alternative is the standard for soft pillows. Combining both into a single pillow provides an incredible sleep experience.


Pillows can come in all sorts of shapes now. Some are contoured to fit the neck and head. Others wrap around or use gussets to provide elevation. Despite all the new shapes available, we believe the original rectangular pillow shape is still the best.

Pillows with specific contours are designed to hold the neck in place. This design is unsuitable for anyone that doesn't have the exact same body size and shape that the pillow was intended for. We've slept on pillows where the groove for the neck is too small, and we end up restricting our own airflow. We particularly dislike pillows that require diagrams to show us where and how to place our head and arms. Sleeping on a pillow shouldn't involve playing Tetris with your body. Finally, entirely restricting movement with the shape of the pillow can sometimes be counterproductive because the sleeper can't get into a comfortable position.

The other consideration is that the traditional rectangular pillow shape will easily fit in a pillow case and look attractive on a bed. Though this may be a smaller consideration, we believe the ability to use any pillow case over a pillow can be important for people who value aesthetics. With all of the considerations in place, we are confident in recommending the Saybrook pillow to the vast majority of consumers.

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